(Deemed University)
NH-8, Naniwal Mode, Manesar (Gurgaon) - 122050 (Haryana)
Advertisement No.2/2009
National Brain Research Centre (NBRC), Manesar is the apex co-ordinating body for research in neuroscience with objective of undertaking basic research towards understanding brain structure and function in health and disease. NBRC invites application to recruit suitable persons for the following posts :
- Finance & Accounts Officer, Pay Scale: Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.6600
- Technical Officer Gr. B, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.5400/-
- Technical Officer C, Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs.4200
- Office Assistant, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.2400
- Clinical Research Associate, Pay : Rs.16000/- pm consolidated
- Principal Scientific Officer, Pay : Rs.36000/- pm consolidated
How to Apply : Application form in the prescribed application format along with the documents must reach Administrative Officer, National Brain Research Centre, Nainwal Mode, Manesar 122050, Gurgaon within 15 days.
Further details alongwith application forms can be obtained at http://www.nbrc.ac.in
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