Chennai-600002 (Tamil Nadu)
Applications are invited upto 5.45 p.m on 31/08/2009 for recruitment to the following post :
- Director of Physical Education : 43 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.8000-13500, Age : 18-35 years, Qualification : Master’s Degree in Physical Education (two years course) or Master’s degree in sports or an equivalent degree with at least 55 percent of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the University Grants commission 7 (Seven) points scale plus a consistently good academic records;
Application Fee : Rs.120/-
Filled in applications on OMR forms (available at the posts offices in Tamil Nadu/ Pudducherry on payment of Rs.30/-) must be sent to the Controller of Examinations, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Omanthoorar Government Estate, Anna Salai, Chennai – 600002 by Registered Post / Speed Post well in advance so as to reach the Commission’s Office before 5.45 p.m. on 31/08/2009.
Candidates can also apply online upto 29/08/2009.
For complete information please view
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