Central Road Research Institute (CRRI)
(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR))
Delhi Mathura Raod, P.O. CRRI, New Delhi - 110001
Web: www.crridom.gov.in
Advertisement No. RI/PA/07/2009
Floating (Walk-In-Interview) on 24/07/2009
Floating (Walk-in) interview for preparation of panels for Research Interns and for Project Assistants under various on-going time targetted Externally Founded/ Sponsered/ SIP / SSP /GAP projects will be held on 24/07/2009.
- Project Assistant Level-I : 03 posts, 1st Class Diploma in Civil Engineering : Stipend: Rs. 7000/- PM
- Project Assistant Level-II : 09 posts, 1st Class B.E./ B.Tech in Civil Engineering : Stipend: Rs. 10000/- PM
- Project Assistant Level-II 03 posts, 1st Class B.E.(Computer Science) / MCA : Stipend: Rs. 10000/- PM
- Project Assistant Level-III 02 posts, 1st Class B.E./ Civil Engineering/ MCA/ M.Sc. (Statistics) with two years experience or M.Tech / M.E. in Highway Engineering : Stipend: Rs. 12000/- PM
- Research Interns : 18 posts M.SC. (Physics)/ B.Tech (Environment Engg)/ B.Tech (E&C) / M.Tech in Environmental Engg / M.Sc. (Environmental Management / Science) / B.E. Civil/MCA/M.SC. (Geology) / M.Sc Geography: Stipend Rs. 11500/- pm
Eligible candidates may appear for “Floating (Walk-in) Interview” on the date mentioned above between 09.00 AM to 10.00 AM (candidate will not be entertained after 10.00 AM under any circumstance) in the Auditorium of the Institute.
For more Information regarding Edu. Qual., Age, Experience may be seen at http://www.crridom.gov.in/recruitment/PA_&_RI1.pdf